Defend your structure from rot, mold, and decay cause by moisture
SMT has been specializing in moisture monitoring since 2006. We provide industry leading Roof Leak Detection solutions for clients in commercial construction, residential, hospitals, data centres, and more.
Select one of the following options to learn more, or contact SMT to see how we can help with your next project.
Fast and reliable Electronic leak detection scanning of
waterproof membranes on roofs, parkades, pools, tanks, and more.
SMT have provided leak detection scanning services to various clients for over 16 years.
Contact SMT to book a scan for your next waterproofing project or leak investigation.
Select one of the options below to learn more about our scanning services:

Track Roof Leaks Before They Happen
SMT Leak Detection Systems allow you to get the best value out of your roof.
These permanently installed systems enable the user to plan proactive maintenance, track concerning patterns of moisture build-up, and vastly reduce the cost and time of roof repair when a leak is located.
Contact SMT with drawings of your project to receive a free budget estimate, or click on one of the following links to learn more about our systems.

RGC GUARANTEE: Roofing Contractors of British Columbia (RCABC) accepts SMT Research’s system for use in the RGC Waterproofing Guarantee Program. SMT’s leak detection and location system is a mandatory requirement for compliance to RGC guarantee standards for waterproofing system that incorporate heavy or complicated overburdens in their design.
Want to learn more about what type of leak detection is right for you?
Download one of our handy overview documents or Contact SMT to talk to our technical consultants.
SMT Leak Detection Flow Chart
RCABC RoofStar Leak Detection Guide