Lakes District Hospital and Health Care: Leak Detection

COMPLETED: 2013 AREA: 12,000 Sq. Ft. SENSOR CLASS: 316 Stainless Steel (2 conductor) Adhesive backed Mylar with FT4 1pr Cable INDUSTRY: Institutional
With a $55 million investment from Government of British Columbia and the Stuart Nechako Regional Hospital District, the redevelopment of the Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre will benefit the rural and remote communities in Burns Lake, BC. The two-story facility will include 16 beds, emergency services, diagnostic imaging, public health, rehabilitation services, etc. The project started in 2013 and is scheduled to be open in 2015. The hospital will also be built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification.
Guarding the critical mission of the health care facility, SMT provided quality assurance throughout construction of the facility's critical functions. SMT installed our standard Building Intelli™ Leak Detection System on a 2 Ply SBS waterproof membrane. Deck penetrations and drains were independently guarded as applicable. Grid dispersion was set at 2m2 due to the concrete layer that was going to eventually encase our deployed sensor array. System linkage was routed through provided parapet core holes to a centralized and unpowered enclosure for future system access &/or upgrade. After a successful sensor installation, the three deck areas installed upon were vector mapped using DigiSCAN 360° technology, which served to validate the membrane integrity prior to further overburden assembly. With an intact waterproof membrane critical services are safe from disruption or damage as this new regional hospital begins to take shape and moves into active service on schedule.
The benefits of a pre-installed system are found when a leak manifests itself. In such an event, immediate activation of this pre-installed Passive system with the aid of advanced monitoring electronics, will allow for automated deck sampling to search frame by frame, deferentially locating any leaks that may be present with a detection granularity of 2m2, which is one grid frame location.
Included Sensors and Systems:
Moisture Detection Sensor Tape (MDS)
Flood Monitoring WiDAQ
Building Intelliâ„¢ Leak Detection System
DigiSCAN 360°
Cover photo source: Andersen Construction