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Healthcare Emergency Planning: Are We Ready? - CHES BC 2018 Conference

Our V.P. of Business Development, Jason Teetaert, will be presenting with RCABC (Roofing Contractors Association of BC) at the CHES (Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society) BC Chapter 2018 Conference, taking place June 10 - 12 at Whistler, BC. The theme of the conference will be “Healthcare Emergency Planning: Are We Ready?”

Jason and Judy from RCABC will illustrate the importance of ensuring structural quality in healthcare buildings with the aid of innovative technologies, demonstrated in representative healthcare case studies. A mission critical goal of health care is to avoid interruption of critical care services during normal and emergency situations. As part of preventative and emergency planning programs, Health Authorities have specialized resources in BC to ensure the performance and quality of roofs and interior water sources both during construction and during normal and/or emergency operations.

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

1. Gain a greater understanding on BC’s specialized resources, technologies and programs that work in tandem to mitigate risk in Healthcare roof construction and operations (i.e. roofing standards and leak detection technology.)

2. Illuminate the costs and benefits of membrane scanning and moisture monitoring on health care roof construction and interior water sources

3. Strengthen competitive healthcare bids by including key quality assurance measures in the bids.

Looking into the present conditions and future of health care and building structure, it will be a very insightful presentation that you wouldn’t want to miss.

Click here for more information and sign up for CHES 2018.

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