SMT as AIBC Recognized Educational Provider

SMT is now officially an AIBC (Architectural Institute of British Columbia) Recognized Educational Provider (REP).
The Continuing Education System (CES) program introduced by AIBC was to provide education in various formats feeding professional needs of the industry, ensuring"architects remain current with contemporary technology, business practices, methods and materials." SMT has always been an educator among many other roles it plays in the industry, actively speaking in various conferences, seminars and university events. We are now also an official AIBC Recognized Educational Provider under the CES program, and we are looking forward to continuously utilize our knowledge and experience in structural health monitoring to help more architects and contractors.
Our presentation "Structure Monitoring Technology: Making the Invisible Visible" is approved by AIBC for 1.0 Core Learning Unit. We will have more topic-focused educational materials coming soon. Stay tuned!
If you would like to have us present at your company or an event, connect with us for schedule and more details.