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SMT Takes Over CCBST 2022!

SMT had the chance to exhibit and attend the CCBST 2022 hosted by OBEC in Toronto at the end of October.

We're happy to be getting out of the office to not only exhibit and attend these shows, but to continue to learn more about the building science behind our industry. Out of the 55 total presentations, at least 8 of them used SMT technology in their research. Some of these projects started over 8 years ago - and many are continuing to be monitored and have an impact on our understanding how buildings perform. We know that it takes a significant amount of hours of behind the scenes work and dedicated effort to get results; it's a challenge properly highlighting that hard work in a 20 minute presentation.

Below we have linked the presentations that SMT's technology was spoken about.

Reach out to SMT if you wish to learn more about the type of monitoring systems behind these projects - the sensors, data acquisition and cloud based monitoring solutions.

Forensic Engineering For Facades – A Study Of Cladding Failures In New Zealand Schools

Impact Of Solar Reflectance Of Glazing Adjacent Roofs

Hygrothermal Performance Testing Of R22+ Wood-Frame Walls In The Vancouver Climate

Assessing Impacts Of Thermal Upgrades On Mass Masonry Walls: A Tool Kit For The Hygrothermal Analyst

Hygrothermal Performance Of The Modified Hempcrete In The Canadian Climate

Vacuum-Insulated Wood-Framed Walls - How Do They Measure Up?

Enclosure Design Of A Prefabricated Net-Zero Energy Townhouse Retrofit

Monitoring Of A Six-Storey Building In Northern British Columbia Built For High Energy Performance

Forensic Monitoring of Wall Systems, Solar Reflectance from Glazing to Roof Membranes, Test hut Instrumentation for Hygrothermal Performance, Mass Masonry Wall Monitoring, Vacuum Insulated Panel performance, Pre-panelized building retrofits, monitoring new building materials and monitoring new construction methods such as 6 story wood frame construction.


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