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UBC Centre for Comparative Medicine: Moisture Monitoring

LOCATION: Vancouver, BC INDUSTRY: Institutional


Moisture and water damage can occur from the interior of the building when leaking pipes and equipment or extensive condensation can remain hidden from view. The design and accessibility for areas related to the routing of pipes and related mechanical equipment do not always lead to regular inspection by maintenance staff.

In the UBC Centre for Comparative Medicine mechanical areas SMT installed Moisture Detection Tape (MDS) in the lowest possible location of the mechanical service chases, which are located over the research labs and critical use areas of the building.

Upon water from any source making contact with the Moisture Detection Sensor, the SMT Monitoring System reports back by phone or email to designated personnel as to the location of the water alarm.

The SMT Monitoring System can interface to the existing building management & security systems by contact relay or through our Building Intelligence Gateway BACNET gateway.

Included Sensors:

  • Moisture Detection Sensor Tape

  • Flood Monitoring WiDAQ

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