Wood Innovation and Design Centre: Vertical Movement and Moisture Performance

LOCATION: Prince George, BC
AREA: 52,000 Sq. Ft.
SENSOR CLASS: Investigative Research
INDUSTRY: Commercial
SMT was contracted by FPInnovations to measure the vertical movement and CLT moisture performance of the Wood Innovation and Design Centre (WIDC) building locating in Prince George, BC.
The Wood Innovation and Design Centre in Prince George, British Columbia provides a unique opportunity for non-destructive testing and monitoring to measure the ‘As Built’ performance of a relatively tall mass timber building. Field measurements also provide performance data to support regulatory and market acceptance of wood-based systems in tall and large buildings.
Included Sensors:
RH/T Sensor (HTM2500)
A3 Wireless Data-logging Data Acquisition
Moisture Detection Sensor Tape (MDS)
Point Moisture Measurement (PMM)
The Field Measurement of Vertical Movement and Roof Moisture Performance of the Wood Innovation and Design Centre: Instrumentation and 1st Year's Performance report can be found here.
General Building Information can be found here.